Golf Chipping Drills for Every Situation

One of the better ways to shave off few strokes in your game is to improve your chipping game. The problem is this that with the availability of huge amount of information on the internet, a person often gets confused which one to go for.…


Tips for Curing Golf Yips

As a beginner, you might have heard that he/she had troublesome golf chipping yips. And that many golfers face the problem of golf chipping yips. But what exactly are “yips” in golf? Golf yips is found to be an acquired problem of getting sudden tremors,…


Different Golf Chipping Wedges

A golf chipping wedge is an important friend of a golfer because even for beginners just two wedges will get the job done. A pitching wedge is a handy golf club that allows you to play not only the shots that the name suggests but…


What is Chipping in Golf

Top golfers in the world are masters at getting up and down in two shots from around the green using golf chipping technique. Chipping style in golf is relatively easy technique to master, but beginners may ask: what is chipping in golf? A chip shot…
